Aliens and Planes of Existence theory by Swami Vivekananda
Chandrayaan-3 landed on South Pole of the Moon for the first time in August 2023. 14 Apollo missions have been completed between the years 1961 to 1972. Despite launching one of the most advanced telescopes (James Webb) and discovering earth like exoplanets and a galaxy order of magnitude times larger than Milky Way (Andromeda), scientists have still not found credible evidence of alien life (except hard to believe UFO sightings around area 51 and other places around the world — there is even a Netflix documentary on the same).
Its also surprising while scientists have found traces of livable conditions on planet like Mars where there is a evidence of water present around 4 billion years ago along with an active magnetic field and earth like atmosphere, they have so far zero evidence of an existing life of either micro-organisms or an advanced civilization capable of surviving and defending itself against hostile conditions.
We must also carefully note that conditions which we treat as paramount for the existence of life are only necessary for a life similar to what we know on earth. In the light of these discoveries and our earnestness to jump to conclusion about inhospitable conditions of life outside of Earth, we must not get ahead of ourselves and assume life is defined by only what we can know or sense given the modalities at our disposable. This is a critical point for our understanding regarding this topic — humans have 5 key senses of observation namely touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. We have tried to overcome these limitations by inventing machines or devices capable of measuring or sensing invisible radiations such as magnetic / gravitational fields or minerals / resources such as Sulphur, Lithium, Helium, Hydrogen etc. However even these are limited assuming the multitudinous fields existing in the universe (which in more accurate terms should be called ‘observable universe’. Even James Webb Telescope is able to observe a universe as far as quarter of a billion years after The Big Bang and its highly possible that light / radiations from the most distant areas in the universe have not even been tracked by human invented devices).
Now that we have clarity of our limited perception and our ability to observe / judge life outside of Earth, I am reminded of a critical point made by Swami Vivekananda during his series of lectures in the US and in the UK in the late 19th or early 20th century and well captured in this book. He mentioned that human minds are limited and incapable of understanding infinitesimally dimensional universe and existence in general. He also refers to something called ‘planes of existence’ which is synonymous with the concept of frequency (easily observable in terms of AM/FM radio waves) and that humans / earthly organisms or micro-organisms that we know constitute one of many planes of existence. Highly spiritual individuals can consciously observe these planes of existences and acknowledge the so called ‘alien’ souls but for the rest of us limited by our rational thoughts and mindspace are unable to verify this claim. Scientists are also aware of the ‘Black Hole Information Paradox’ which (even though solved recently) signal that we may never know the full depth and width of universe and how everything works. As a matter of fact, 85% of the universe known so far consists of the dark matter, of which little is know to science still.
This can potentially mean while several Apollo and Mars missions claim that there is no ‘observable’ life on Moon, Mars — it is quite likely that we just missed traces of life (intelligent or otherwise) because of our limited ability to perceive and observe and we can credibly believe the multi-verse theories so professed in the Marvel movies. While not fully mathematically proven, M-Theory also provides some support for the theory. Thus to conclude, alien life may exist in-front of our eyes in this very planet or the planets our robots keep visiting, and we may never be able to observe them. But we must also hesitate to lay claims that they don’t exist or never existed. To add a spiritual context by borrowing wisdom from the great Swami Vivekananda himself, the answer to these physical and metaphysical quests lie within when we go deep, understand limitations of our mind and embark on a journey to connect with the eternal by observing the soul within and becoming one with the existence.